Royal Eijkelkamp is committed to protecting your privacy and providing a safe online experience for all its users. Therefore, we want to be transparent about how we handle personal data. Our privacy policy informs you which personal data we process, how we use these data, the retention period we apply to these data, how we protect personal data and why we process certain types of personal data. You can contact us for privacy-related questions and requests. You can find the contact details in our privacy policy.

Although Royal Eijkelkamp attempts to ensure the accuracy and completeness of this policy, Royal Eijkelkamp makes no explicit or implicit guarantee that the information provided on or via this privacy policy is accurate, complete or up to date.

Please read the full Royal Eijkelkamp Online Privacy Policy below and contact us if you have any questions.

What is personal data

Personal data are all data and information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. An identifiable person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

Example: an account or IBAN number is not personal data until the account number can be linked to a natural person by others. At that moment the account number is also personal data.

Company data are no personal data, unless you are an independent entrepreneur, run a one-man business or participate in another legal form without limited liability. In that case these data are also considered personal data.

What do we use personal data for
Execution of contracts and agreements

For the execution of contracts and agreements, it is necessary that we store contact details, details of employees and details of your company. We do this so we can communicate about the agreement we have with your company. We also use this personal data to be able to direct any proposals from our side to the right person.

Legal requirements

As a company, we have a number of legal obligations. First, we must comply with the General Data Protection Regulation. Secondly, we are obliged to keep our financial records for 7 years, so all personal data related to these records must be kept for 7 years. 

In addition, we must comply with other tax legislation and legislation on personnel data.

Marketing activities

Royal Eijkelkamp likes to keep its clients and relations informed about new developments and how we can help our clients to stay ahead. We do this for example by sending you an e-mail, calling you, inviting you to a visit to an expo or a relation day.

Improving our services

Royal Eijkelkamp continuously improves its services and in some cases uses personal data. We personalise our communication, we improve our security, we measure whether the way in which we approach you is effective and useful, we try to recognise common problems, we develop new services based on customer questions and wishes.

Who we hold personal data from
Our customers

We have stored company data and personal data of employees who conduct correspondence on behalf of your company in our database.

Persons who have contacted us

In some cases we register personal data of non-customers who contact us. This may be, for example, in response to an enquiry or quotation request, which we follow up with the help of this personal data. We also keep a log of our telephone calls, online chats and e-mails. In most cases, telephone numbers can be linked to a person.

Persons with whom Royal Eijkelkamp has had contact

We keep a log of e-mails and telephone information. In some cases, we store personal data of persons with whom we have contact in our database in order to follow up on a conversation.

Visitors to our website

In some cases, we may identify an individual through data tracking to their IP address or other unique information we receive through our website analytics tools.

What personal data do we collect
Normal Personal Data

This includes data such as your name, address, telephone number and e-mail address. We may also have this personal data from your company’s representatives or contact person within your company. In addition, in some cases we determine what role you have within your company. We use this information to contact the company about, for example, appointments or improvement of our services.

It may also be that you have contacted us about our products and services. At that point, you are registered in our CRM system. Often we only have your name, phone number and e-mail address.

Contact history 

In some cases, we may keep a record of how often, when and for what reason you contacted us. Situations where this is logged include when you contact our service desk. Your call will be recorded at that time, as well as the service request you submit to us. If you call our sales department, we will keep a record of the product or service you contacted us about so we can follow up on your request.

How long we keep personal data

We will retain data for as long as is necessary for the purpose for which we are using it and for as long as we are required by law to keep your data.

Exactly how long this is can vary from a few months to many years.

Old customer data is deleted after 24 months. However, we keep the personal data we need for the legal tax retention obligation for 7 years. This includes, for example, our general ledger, accounts receivable and accounts payable, and our payroll records. In some cases, we are obliged to retain personal data for 10 years. This is for example the case when we provide telecommunication services.

Control over your personal data

Under the General Data Protection Regulation you have the right to modify or remove your personal data that Royal Eijkelkamp has collected. In addition, you can turn to with a request to inspect, free of charge, your personal data that Royal Eijkelkamp has collected from you. Under certain circumstances, you can also request Royal Eijkelkamp to transfer your personal data. You can also object to the use of your personal data for marketing purposes.

Royal Eijkelkamp has the right to refuse unlawful requests to change or delete personal data.

Use of cookies

Your browser provides so-called “cookies” which, if you allow their use, store small amounts of data on your computer when you visit a website. Cookies do not contain any personally identifiable information and can therefore not be used to identify you personally. Cookies help us to keep track of which of our features you like best. Cookies also allow us to tailor our content to your preferences. You have the ability to accept or decline cookies by modifying your browser and our websites will be visible even if you disable the cookie function of your browser. However, if you disable cookies, some advanced and custom features of our website, as well as other websites, will not be available to you.

Use of web beacons

Some of our web pages may contain electronic images known as web beacons, which are also known as single-pixel gifs. These images allow us to count users who have visited these pages and to provide co-branded services. We may also include web beacons in promotional e-mail messages or newsletters in order to count how many messages have been opened and responded to. Web beacons are not used to access your personally identifiable information, but they are a technique we use to compile aggregate statistics about the use of our website. Web beacons collect only a limited amount of data, including a cookie number, time and date of a page view and a description of the page on which the web beacon resides.

Control of your personal data

A user can at any time change, correct, modify or delete personal data information provided to Royal Eijkelkamp by visiting the personal section. Users may also unsubscribe from newsletters or various promotional e-mailings at any time.

Security of your personal data

All Royal Eijkelkamp employees are made aware of its privacy practices through periodic communications and training. We limit access to private and confidential data to those employees with a specific need to access that information, and we store data on multiple service systems, in controlled, secure environments. To maintain the highest level of security, we conduct regular internal reviews of our security measures.

Changes to our privacy policy

We will update this Privacy Policy from time to time as necessary to maintain the level of protection for our users and to comply with a changing environment. We encourage you to check the Privacy Policy when you visit our site to ensure that you are aware of and understand our current policy. If we make material changes to this Privacy Policy or to how we use or collect your personally identifiable information, we will post such changes in a prominent place before making the change. We will not make any retroactive changes to the way we handle previously collected personal data unless we are required to do so by law.


Royal Eijkelkamp
Nijverheidsstraat 9
6987 EM Giesbeek
The Netherlands
T + 31 313 880200